Did you know that our four-legged family members have the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) just like us?

This extensive and vital receptor system is responsible for maintaining a healthy balance or homeostasis.


3 products

29.67  19.78 

Want to cheer up your pet?
Because one package has never been enough, when you buy two, we give the third for free!
Special summer offer that includes 3 packs of super biscuits.


2 products

65.78  52.62 

Do you wish for your pet to feel energized again?
Don’t worry, we have the pachage Energy for you.


4 products

142.03  111.65 

Does your pet have problems with movement?
Don’t worry, we prepared package ARTHRITIS for you.
The package is for animals that have arthritis and other pain.


4 products

90.50  68.44 

Do you want your pet to continue to feel good?
Don’t worry, we prepared package FELL-GOOD for you.
The package is for animals that want to stay healthy.


3 products

82.14  63.74 

Does your pet have resistance issues?
Don’t worry, we prepared package RESISTANCE for you.
The package for animals that are facing resistance issues.


3 products

121.67  97.34 

Is your pet getting older?
Don’t worry, we prepared package GREAT AGE for you.
The package is for animals that are facing age-related problems.


3 products

129.67  103.74 

Does your pet have skin problems?
Don’t worry, we prepared package SKIN PROBLEMS for you.
The package is for animals that are facing skin problems.